Thursday, February 24, 2011

Can I be Trusted?

As I was spending time in the book of Jonah this morning,
I knew I was to go read Proverbs 31, too.

So, I did.
Verse 11 stopped me in its tracks.

Her husband can trust her, 
and she will greatly enrich his life.

My husband should trust me.
Trust ME.

Wow. It's something I never really pondered very often.
I mean, we HAVE been married 22 years,
I have never cheated on him.
We have 2 daughters,
I make sure that they are dropped off/picked up at school every day.

I am not always the best cook, the most prompt laundry lady,
or even the nicest person (especially if I'm PMSing),
but I'm here when someone needs a hug or a smile.

I guess I can be trusted.

I mean, I am home every day, and I don't go out partying with my girlfriends, 
I don't smoke or get drunk.
I go to church, sing with the praise band, read my Bible, pray for Mark every day.
I try to keep the house presentable.
Somewhat. Usually.

I am cordial to his relatives, 
accommodating to his friends.

I even send goodies along to work with him 
so the other guys at the office know that he has a sweet wife.

Yeah, but...really,
Do I waste time on the internet and Face Book
when I should be doing something that Mark asked me to do, again?

Do I anticipate my family's needs and have their clothes, toilet paper, 
and good food on hand when they need it?

Instead of making sure dinner is ready,
am I at a friend's house helping her by moving furniture around?

Do I lie or embellish the truth when he asks me 
how much I spent on something
and I'd rather not tell him?

Do I use the last morsel of the food money 
for the week to buy a tchotchke for the house?

Am I budgeting the paycheck, he works very hard for,
on things he would approve of?

When that not-necessarily-handsome, but overly-attentive guy
at the gym smiles and chats with me, do I give him cause to think
I'm not committed to my own marriage?

After he's walked away, do I give that guy a second thought?

Even if Mark and I are not getting along that day?

When my daughters and I are the only ones in the house:

~am I the same penitent woman then, 
as when I am nodding in humbled agreement with the sermon at church?

~is my management of our home worth imitating?

~are they being taught commendable womanly traits?

~am I honoring their father with words of devotion and appreciation?

The second half of Proverbs 31:11 says, if I am trustworthy,
I will greatly enrich his life.

Enrich   -verb
1. to supply with riches, wealth, abundant or valuable possessions, etc.
2. to supply with abundance of anything desirable.
3. to add greater value or significance to.
4. to adorn or decorate.
5. to make finer in quality, as by supplying desirable elements or ingredients.

Lord, I want to supply my husband with abundance.

I desire to add value to his life.
Let my life be a decoration for his soul.
Use me to supply the missing elements in my husband's heart.

Make me trustworthy.

For more encouragement, come meet other home makers at the party at
Raising Homemakers.
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