Monday, December 20, 2010

2010 Christmas Tour

Welcome to the "And Then There Was Home - Christmas Tour"

I hung this simple garland around our doorway, with a big red bow.  I think it looks really classic and pretty during the day.

And here she is at night, all lit up.  :)

My ideal Christmas decor for the outside would be that garland, and a few lit wreaths with red bows hanging from each window.  Maybe next year.  :)   Also, maybe next year, we'll get the courage to hang lights in the 2nd story area of our house.  LOL.

I also decorate my vehicle every year.  Oh yeah.  I'm one of THOSE people, haha.
Yes, that was me reflected in the chrome, holding my Christmas tree coffee cup.  :)

On the inside, nothing says Christmas like yummy smelling candles.

In the kitchen I kept things simple by placing plaid ribbon around plants by the stove.

I also brought out my "12 days of Christmas" cutting board.  This thing really comes in handy for when you feel like breaking out in song and can't remember the words to the materialistic carol.

This lovely lady is on my island, conveniently next to the baby bottle station.  I never actually have her lit in the middle of the night, but I'm thinking maybe I should.  She seems to be pointing right at the bottles, which might help me as I'm half delirious at 3 am.

Here is a wide shot of our family room.   Notice this was taken pre-stocking.

Here is a pic after my lovelies were added.  You can read more about them HERE.

I decided to hang random creations from my children on this chalkboard.  I really need to take updated photos because Brodie came home with the mother load of construction paper Christmas crafts on his last day of school before the holiday break.  
Just a little funny for all those people who love the funny and random things Brodie says, his teacher told me that on the day they were decorating the classroom with their crafts for their Christmas party, Brodie said, "No, no, no, Mrs. T... my mommy doesn't allow paper decorations!"  LOL.   Little toot. 

This poor little guy was given a "haircut" by Rylan, shortly after he made him.  ha!
Poor thing.

Brodie brought this laced stocking home from school one day.  Apparently our family is jumping out of a burning building into a swimming pool.  :/   Can you tell which one is me?  LOL.

I love the sound of jingle bells at Christmas, and we keep a set on each main door.

AND, last but not least.. what Christmas village is complete without an Alamo?  :)  haha, actually the only two buildings we have in our village would be the Alamo and a vintage North pole house from my childhood.  We really need to work on that.

Merry Christmas Ya'll!!


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