Friday, January 21, 2011

Favorite Things Friday

Favorite Things Friday- Round 2

If you're like me, dieting is a lot easier when you don't have other people to cook for.
I've gone through stages where I would cook the family one meal, and then make something else for myself, but this just ended up in resentment on my part.  My husband has the metabolism of a 12 year old while I have to really watch what I eat and work out just to maintain my weight.  Love ya, Honey!

A few months ago, my mom brought me this cookbook on one of her visits, and it is this week's favorite thing.

I love looking over cookbooks, and they look really pretty in the kitchen, but I rarely use them to actually prepare a meal.  However, my husband has really gotten into a frying stage - he wants to fry everything. Everything.  The skinny gal who lives way, WAY down deep inside me shudders in fright every time he gets the oil out of the pantry. 

I decided to open this baby up and see if Ol' Rocco had a healthier method of attacking the fry.
Enter in:  Flash-Fried Finger-Lickin' Chicken.
Yes, that really is the name of it.  Pg 114.
Avg fat/calories of normal friend chicken- 30gfat/549cal
His version- 10.9gfat/204cal
The basis of this recipe is that you boil the chicken in low sodium, low fat chicken broth FIRST, coat in low fat milk and whole wheat flour and THEN flash fry.  Since it doesn't spend much time in the oil, you soak up less.  You're basically frying the outside batter, not the whole dang chicken.   Tastiness factor- way on up there.

Genius I tell you, and all of the recipes in the book use some of the same, common sense, why the heck didn't I think of that, methods. 

If you get it, be sure to read the introduction and his Can't Live-without ingredients.
Love it.

:)  Courtney

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